Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Baby Andi

Baby Andi arrived early last month.  I had just met the family a few weeks prior to the big event.  They  decided to do a maternity / family session before this little ones arrival.  

Fast forward to a few weeks later and this Dad could not have been prouder to show off his beautiful girls. There is Amber, Aubrey & now Andi.  He affectionately calls them his "A Team". 

Newborns are so sweet and innocent.  I love everything from those tiny toes to the precious full body, baby yawns.  I adore sessions that just organically unfold.

Maddy Class of 2015

Maddy wanted something  unique for her senior photos. She was vacationing in Boca from the Boston area. While visiting her Aunt , she decided it would be fun to have her session done here in South Florida. 

Maddy & I hit it off right away when she told me she was a Country Music fan. We took the country girl idea and ran with it. There are so many cool local spots that give you the rural vibe as well as a bit of  beachy - urban Delray. I knew this session had to be great when she said she was missing a Luke Bryan concert to be here. No pressure there!

Monday, September 15, 2014


“Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.” ― Wallace Stevens